
Videos About Us

Documentary about how Mott Green started The Grenada Chocolate Company

Radical Chocolate, a short documentry about our history and vision

The Alan Titchmarsh Show, UK television with founder with Mott Green

Sir Trevor McDonald Features The Grenada Chocolate Company in his TV show about The Caribbean

Video Shot On-Board the Tres Hombres Sailing Boat from the middle of the ocean during our recent pollution-free trans-Atlantic chocolate deleivery from Grenada to Europe

Mott Delivering Chocolate sustainalbly to Carriacou on his 13 foot Hobie Cat

Swiss TV Documentary about us

Radio Interviews With Founder Mott Green

about making chocolate right in the country in which the cocoa is grown

on socially resposible cocoa and chocolate production

WBAI New York

Tom Lehrer


Radio Adverts

Smilo Original

Smilo One

Smilo Two

Smilo Three

(music and lyrics by Akima Paul and Mott Green)
Nibalicious One

Nibalicious Two

(written by Eric Chocolates and performed by his band KISS KISS KILL, Stephen Bluhm and others)


Human Beans, our calypso song about sustainability and fairness in cocoa and chocolate production (music and lyrics by Akima Paul and Mott Green)



Grenadian Chocolate song (by Edson Ajamu Mitchell)
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